1755 Court Records

In 1755, court records in Rowan County, North Carolina confirmed the identity of John Austin, Saponi, and who is believed to be Conestoga town resident Harry. They were seeking permission from the court to visit the Catawba with wampum treaty belts. The Austin/Acton family have remained active in Native American communities to this day, and many descendants have long claimed their Saponi heritage. While research into these lines is ongoing, it confirms the travel and reach of the Conestoga-Susquehannock diaspora, which is believed to have extended among the Meherrin and Saponi Indians.

April 19 1755:

Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Rowan County, North Carolina 1753-1762 II:72 19 April 1755

Esquires present: Jas Carter, Jno Handby, Alexr Osburn & Thos Potts. … “Whereas John Auston a Saponia Indian and Harry a Susquhanah Indian and Thoms at Cattaaba applied for a pass to the Cataba Nation being now on their Journey to conclude a Genl Peace with ye Catabas in behalf of the Sd Nation and also presented 3 Belts of Wampum to Sd Court by which the sd Treaty is to be concluded.”